My Existing My test app registration: | |
If you have previously registered for My test app on another phone/computer and have your registration number (4 to 8 digit number), you can enter that number below to fetch your existing QR-code.
( OR: If you have not registered yet, you can ) | |
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My test app Membership & Consent form: for Parent/Guardian and Young person to complete together on your Young person's phone. Then a QR code will be created for quicker check-in when arrive at My test app each week.
(Leaders can also register by selecting '18+' for 'Year of birth' below.)
OR if you have already registered, you can
(If your young person doesn't have a smart phone (Android or iPhone) then you can complete this form on Parents/Guardian's phone/tablet/computer, or use paper consent form, then we can print a QR code for you.)
Please enter details below (the red box means required). Then tick the check-boxes at bottom to agree with terms & conditions, then click 'Submit details' at bottom.
Young person details: | |
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We need two adult contact names & phone numbers, the first one must be a legal parent/guardian for the young-person:
Your parent/guardian(s): | |
Relationship to young person: | |
Relationship to young person: | |
We (Young person and Parent/guardian) understand that in the event of emergency, these parent/guardian contact details can be given to hospital and if parent/guardian are not able to be contacted, the leader in charge will give any necessary medical permission as per the doctor's advice.
We also agree to the youth clubs terms and conditions, (as detailed below):
Click here to view Terms & Conditions
Code of Conduct for Members:
- Show respect to the leaders and your peers. Treat others as you would expect them to treat you.
- If a leader asks you to do something, respect their request and do it immediately.
- Do not leave your litter behind you. Always put it in a bin. There are plenty provided.
- Do not use bad or abusive language at any time. Do not use God’s name in vain.
- No pushing, hitting or shoving other members of My test app.
- The back Fire Exit, and unless supervised by a leader the Stage in the main hall, are areas that are Out of Bounds.
- If you accidently spill food or drinks, seek assistance and have them cleaned up as soon as possible. This will reduce the chances of anyone else slipping and falling on your mess.
- If you spot any broken items, (eg. Pool cues, table tennis bats, etc.) report these to a leader as soon as possible.
- Wait in line at the tuck shop until you are served. Do not push in or queue jump and remember a “please and thank you” are always appreciated.
- When it is time to go home, please do not linger and cause delays. (The leaders also have homes to go to!!)
- Mobile phones are your own responsibility, please use them and care for them wisely.
- Under no circumstances are mobile phones to be used in the toilet areas. Use of phones in toilet areas is a serious offence, and your parents/guardians may be contacted to take you home with immediate effect.
If everybody abides by these simple points, then we will ALL have fun and look forward to coming back the following week. However, sometimes it is necessary discipline members who ignore or abuse this Code of Conduct. My test app operates a "3 Strikes and you're out" system. For a first or second offence your name and details will be recorded in a book. After that you may be suspended from attending My test app for a period of time. If your offence is deemed serious, then you will not be offered the "3 strikes" and your parents will be contacted and you will be asked to leave. |
Use finger-tip or a phone-stylus to draw your signatures below:
The above data is stored on an Amazon AWS server, and can be accessed by leaders at My test app.